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Guess How Much I Love You?

Jack holds his arms about a foot apart. “I love the babies this much.”

“Wow!” I say. “That’s a lot!”

“Uh-huh. And I love Gus THIS much!” He holds his arms as far apart as he can, stretching up on tiptoe with the effort.

I cock an eyebrow and lean closer. “Let me get this straight, you love the dog more than you love your brothers?”

“Yup. And I love you and daddy this much.” Jack stretches his arms wide once again.

“So you’re saying you love daddy and me as much as the dog?” I ask incredulously.

“Right.” Jack nods, satisfied that I’ve understood the demonstration. Turning to his dump truck, he races away from me coloring the air with truck noises.

Good to know giving him life ranks right up there with toilet breath.

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