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  1. The Visitors April 30, 2010

    Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids, Parenting, Uncategorized.

    rev="post-1254" 5 comments
  2. I just noticed… April 29, 2010

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-1252" 4 comments
  3. Wake Up Call! April 28, 2010

    Posted in Rants & Raves.

    rev="post-1247" 1 comment
  4. Out of Touch April 24, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots.

    rev="post-1243" 1 comment
  5. I should have been doing laundry but… April 19, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots.

    rev="post-1240" 12 comments
  6. Boys Are Gross April 18, 2010

    Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids.

    rev="post-1238" 2 comments
  7. I’m Phat April 17, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots.

    rev="post-1234" No comments
  8. A-GO-NY April 15, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots.

    rev="post-1232" 4 comments
  9. Dear Universe… April 14, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots.

    rev="post-1228" 6 comments
  10. I’d Like to Thank the Academy… April 14, 2010

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-1226" 2 comments
  11. Did you ever have a really great idea… April 5, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots.

    rev="post-1223" 5 comments
  12. Mystery Project Completed! April 3, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots.

    rev="post-1221" 3 comments
  13. Today is the Greatest… April 1, 2010

    Posted in Knits & Knots, Uncategorized.

    rev="post-1218" 11 comments