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I’m Phat

And no, I’m not referencing a failed diet (although, I suppose if the shoe fits…because heaven knows the pants don’t. *sigh*). No I’m “Phat” because I’m one of the lucky few that managed to purchase this month’s Phat Fiber Sampler. Those of you who haven’t been bitten by the knitting bug probably aren’t even concerned enough to click the link, but for those of you in the know, I’d just like to say…”Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah! I got one! I got one!” Seriously, this is a big honkin’ deal here people. Every box, I’m talkin’ every…single…box was GONE from the Etsy site in under two minutes. The demand for these little gems is certifiably insane.

What’s the appeal? Variety, my friends. You get samples of luxury yarns and fibers — enough to knit and spin your heart out and determine if you’d like to order more, all from cool independent artisans like these guys. PLUS there’s lots of surprises like nifty notions and whatnot. I hope my box arrives on a sunny day so I can dutifully photograph each fabulous piece. Until then, just know I’ll be watching my mailbox like a hawk. Victory!!

Posted in Knits & Knots.

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