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This hurts me. It really, really does. But now that I’ve almost completed my very nearly perfect Pekin-esque cardigan, I can see a glaring error in the original Pekin pinafore I knit first. See it?


Yeah…it’s pretty hard to miss. I noticed it as I was binding off that panel, but thought it was something I could fix in the blocking stage. Nope. Looks like I lost my row count and skipped a few lines of pattern. Now I get to disassemble the whole thing, redo that panel, then put it all back together again. Excuse me… (*turns head and clutches throat*) O.k., sorry. I just had to throw up a little bit in my mouth.

On the upside, I must be really good at weaving in ends, because I cannot find those suckers anywhere. *sigh*

Posted in Knits & Knots.

4 Responses

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  1. drk says

    i swear im not just ‘pissing in your pocket’ as we say here, but i really cant see anything thats worth ripping for. i think it looks totally normal, although i think youre talking about the bit immediately under the yoke, which from here looks just kind of bunched up, but not really ‘wrong’. and i reckon if i cant see it from here, dont rip it, cos kids dont notice these things! unless you totally cant live with yourself, and will lose sleep over it. which i get the feeling you will….

  2. jodi says

    You nailed it — at least the losing sleep part. It’s actually that long line of holes that are a couple inches from the bottom, and the whole thing is already in pieces as we speak. This is where the combination of knitting and a type A personality can yield one crazy @#$%&. The bunching at the yoke is supposed to be a gathered row, but I totally agree that it looks less like gathering and more like bunching. Anyhow…by the time I finish this one, I’m going to be sure to offer up a prayer of thanksgiving that I didn’t birth any girls myself and don’t ever have to make this pattern again unless the mood strikes me. 🙂

  3. Tamara says

    JODI!!!! You have totally outdone yourself (and no, I can’t see what you are talking about error wise, and you KNOW how anal retentive I am…so it must be that I’m just ignorant about knitting) and I think it is GORGEOUS!!! I can’t wait to get Sophia in that and the color is just divine! I think I am tearing up…so sweet of you to take the time to do this for Sophia and Lola (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cardigan too…which with SLC weather, she will probably be able to wear almost year round, haha) and to re-do Sophia’s (even though, again, I saw nothing wrong)!!! I love you soooooo much! Thank you! I just wish I were talented at something that I could give you back…well, if your boys ever decide to take up gymnastics, I might be able to repay you then!

  4. bells says

    oh what a shame. All that work. But yeah maybe it was time to re-do it. The holes did stand out, although I’m not sure they would have once it was being worn.

    ps do you have an iphone? there’s a great row counter app you can get. It saves me!

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