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Dear Universe…

…I rock. Pretty hard in fact. Here’s unequivocal proof.


I know. I know. Sure I said I was going to keep Sophia’s project a secret until she received it in the mail and was photographed in it herself. But this is for her yet-to-arrive baby sister, Lola. And since Lola probably won’t be able to wear this until next spring, I was unable to stop myself from showing off right now — essentially the instant I got it blocked on my ancient and rickety ironing board in my poorly lit laundry room. Whatever…it still looks great and I am shamelessly proud of myself. Wanna know what I did? Good…because I’m dying to tell you.

I took the lace pattern from Sophia’s pinafore (o.k. so I’m spilling all the beans, but I’m not even sorry), then I found a baby cardigan that had the right stitch count and went to town cobbling the two together. Unfortunately, I failed to see the problem of pairing a top down raglan bodice with a bottom up lace pattern until it was too late (if you try to knit the lace top down from the bodice it just makes waves). So, in the end, I had to knit to the bottom of the bodice, put those stitches on a holder, then go knit the lace portion from the bottom up. Then I kitchener stitched the whole thing together right in the middle. Can you tell? Please say no, because I’ve almost dislocated my shoulder patting myself on the back over this one. Of course, if I attempt this again, you can be darn sure I’ll find some other bodice that can be knit from the bottom up.

All I have left is to crochet the finishing bits around the neck and sleeves, then Voila! an original masterpiece is finished. I’m going to wait and pop both in the mail at the same time. I hope you’re getting excited, Tamara, because I can hardly wait!

Posted in Knits & Knots.

6 Responses

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  1. Susan L says

    I can’t believe this is so gorgeous and nobody’s commented. You’re a genuis! LOL This really does look good. You can’t tell re the kitchener stitch. I even got out my trusty magnifying glass (not really but I should have because I’m so blind anyway) and I couldn’t tell. The lace pattern is so sweet and the colour choice too. I wouldn’t be able to help myself sharing … and I’m making baby gifts at the moment and I’m having to sit on my hands for the excitement.

  2. bells says

    Holy mother of God Jodi. You blow me away. I would give it up as two hard and just go knit a February Baby Sweater. Amazing job. Be proud. Be totally freaking proud.

  3. jodi says

    Thank you Susan and Bells. I’m beaming from ear to ear with your praise. Bells, I seriously did almost give it up, but I kept telling myself how cute two little sisters would be wearing their respective hand-knits and made myself soldier on. I think I’m going to work on my beaded scarf with your lovely gift-yarn next. 🙂

  4. drk says

    ah no, i can see no kitchener and i can not believe you did that either!! there is no way i would even think about putting two parts of different patterns together like that, tho i need to do it for my shawl skills. its absolutely gorgeous, you should be thrilled! well done.

  5. amy says

    I can’t see the Kitchener at all! Congratulations on being an Thinking and Resourceful Knitter!!

  6. jodi says

    Thanks drk and amy. I’m always thrilled to get the opinion of more experienced knitters. 🙂

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