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Out of Touch

So while Jason is responsible for the safety of our family (i.e. he’s actually paying attention to the weather forecast as they track the “super-cell” and try to determine just how many deadly tornados are going to sweep through our area), I’m surfing the net for yarn and planning my next garment project. I think I may have a problem, but am not in any way inclined to seek out a Knitter’s Anonymous to try and remedy matters. The way I figure it, if we’re stuck in the basement all afternoon, at least I’ll have something to do.

Amended: We’re all fine! Although the weathermen were saying in both grave and delighted tones that conditions were the worst they’d seen, thankfully most tornadic activity remained in the sky and few actually touched down in Alabama. Bells kindly pointed out that I’d neglected to follow up. Sorry for the unnecessary worry! And no I didn’t buy anything, because a) I’m on a budget, b) I already have so many projects in the pipeline I may never catch up and c)I have a coupon for 25% off at the In the Making in May so I’m going to do my Christmas project stash then because I like to touch, squish, pull-on and generally molest my yarn before I commit to a purchase. It makes internet shopping kind of difficult.

Posted in Knits & Knots.

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  1. Bells says

    i was out of touch all weekend and had no idea such deadly storms had happened – you haven’t posted a follow up to this – please post and let us know you made it (and planned some great knitting!)

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