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Wake Up Call!

Have you ever returned from a long vacation or just extended stay away from home and felt like you were seeing the most familiar place in your life for the first time? I woke up a couple days ago invigorated. I tidied parts of the house I’d ignored for months. I planned a week’s worth of heart-healthy meals that the kids would (maybe) actually want to eat. I took care of tasks I’d let go far too long (4 new tires AND a full set of brakes??? Sheesh!!) and just generally “woke up” to my life for the first time since…I dunno…January??

Not that I’d been completely catatonic for that time, but it’s safe to say I’ve been a little detached. Responsibilities shirked until the last possible moment (when was tax day again?). A series of appointments double-booked or simply forgotten. Just a general fuzzy drift through the dark days of February, a plodding slog through the rain-soaked grey of March, and a limping jog through the first few weeks of April punctuated with little lungs wheezing and tiny noses running for dear life.

But now the boys are (for the most part) well and happy, a week’s worth of sun has soaked clear through to my bones, and it’s finally clear that another gorgeous Southern Summer has come to Alabama. As I watch the buds swell on my gardenias and furtively spy on Jason’s loving ministrations to his tomato plants, I’ll forget for months on end the fact that winter always returns, and focus instead on the sun-baked, watermelon-flavored truth of today. Carpe Diem, everybody!!!

Posted in Rants & Raves.

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  1. Susan L says

    it seriously sounds as if the bear is emerging from hibernation. enjoy your summer.

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