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When Jason Goes to the Grocery Store…

…he always comes back with a surprise. This week’s WTF purchase — Batter Blaster! Pancake batter that gets blasted from a whipped cream can. Sounds really appetizing doesn’t it? But you know what? It. Was. AWESOME! We’ll be buying this stuff every week. Highly recommended for families where dad likes to make breakfast, but hates cleaning up. I forgot to take a picture of the can before we tossed it, so you’ll have to settle for this kind of applicable marketing video.

Posted in Rants & Raves.

3 Responses

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  1. bells says

    what WILL They think of next????

  2. Josie says

    I tested. I approve.

  3. Tamara says

    I CAN’T believe you even tried that!!!! And that “It. Was. AWESOME!” I really think I just puked a little in my mouth…
    But, I can totally agree with the “when ___ (i.e., Phil) goes to the grocery store” phenom…we always wind up with crap we don’t need to be eating!

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