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Craziest $%!@ I’ve Seen Lately

If you’re looking for a great way to waste company time, stop by Hello Kitty Hell — a very cleverly-written blog devoted to hating all things Hello Kitty. And here I thought they just made notebooks and pencil boxes. Mad props to my homegirl Kimmy Jo for her unfailing ability to find humor in all things — especially the internet.

Hello Kitty Taser Gun – Hello Kitty Hell.

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5 Responses

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  1. alonna says

    I LOVE this blog site. Hello Kitty Taser!! And other fun things, you should never know was invented. My sister once told me she wanted a hello kitty toaster for Christmas. I didn’t believe they existed, until i hit google! Sure enough toast with a hello kitty face pops out!!!

  2. jodi says

    That ROCKS! I want one that makes toast with Vampire Bill on it! 🙂

  3. B says

    I think I need one of these for my MDO class………

  4. jodi says

    Seriously, B! Does it not look like it was made for pediatric use?

  5. B says

    Yes, since I can’t really see a State Trooper carrying one. :+)

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