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Nun Chuck Skills?

In honor of my friend Bethany (who incidentally was the big WINNAH in my first contest ever) I offer up the latest in crazy product finds. This should help her out on those difficult days at Our Lady of Sorrows when they try to heap just one more project on her overloaded back. “No Sister Mary Elise, I don’t want to make 14 dozen hand-decorated cookies for tomorrow’s bake sale! Step off!”

Nun Chuck – Archie McPhee & Co..

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  1. B says

    What a riot!!!!!! You know though, the entire school is made up of lay people. Not a single habit to be found!!

    I am VERY excited to have won your contest!! I need a new book. I thanked Will for his expertise in selecting a winner in a FB comment somewhere. Now, if these kids will EVER get better maybe we can get together so I can claim my prize!!!

    BTW, how is your crew? And your back/hip?
    :+) B

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