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I just ate Paula Deen’s donut bread pudding and cannot find it in myself to regret it. Perhaps tomorrow, when I realize I’ve gained 10 lbs. overnight, I may feel differently. But right now? Nothing but pure, unadulterated bliss.

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2 Responses

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  1. Barbara says

    You made the Rum Sauce too, right? OMG, it looks divine! Fruit, donuts, and rum. Be still my heart. I could never make it because I’d sit down with the just-out-of-the-oven pain in my lap and a big spoon and eat it all until I died of it. They could just roll me to the grave or I’d make a merry blaze in the crematorium. I’m going to pretend I never saw that recipe.

  2. jodi says

    LOL!! Of COURSE the Rum Sauce was present!!! How could it be otherwise with such a recipe? You do your best to forget, Barbara. But let me tell you…it was worth every minute it took off my life. 🙂

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