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Which Is Worse?

To attempt to achieve the most treasured dream of your heart…only to fail so miserably that you eventually have to let that dream die? Or to hold onto it like a precious treasure: untested, untried and unrealized?

Some days I wish I could revert back to the latter, but for good or ill I’ve committed to the former. The short story I started today was quite bad, by the way. *sigh*

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3 Responses

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  1. Robin O'Bryant says

    I love you. Seriously. You get me. One day we will have coffee. Or lunch. Or a SLEEPOVER in Auburn. Yes we will.

  2. Jessica says

    Bless it. All brave souls with a dream realize that at some point you have to throw down.
    Bring it.

  3. alonna says

    I say go for it! Life is short! And if you fail you still tried right?

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