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What’s Cooler Than A Cape?

Western Chief: Maker of Cool Things

Jason: Tell me you don’t intend for him wear this to school.

Jodi: Um, yay-yuh…it’s the coolest raincoat ever.

Jason: It has a cape.

Jodi: Exactly.

But now the seed of doubt has been planted. Is this too cute for a kindergarten boy to wear to school? I could take off the cape, but it would kill a little piece of my soul.

Feedback needed. Leave a comment and tell me if I’m in the wrong here. Or better yet, just how right I am. No pressure.


Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids.

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5 Responses

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  1. Liz Mckernan says

    Keep the cape! I mean batman without his cape is like spiderman without his we’d shooting stuff! You are ony 5 once…but go to the kid and ask what he wants!

  2. jodi says

    Thanks, Lizzie!! The kid is all in, so I think we’ll go for it. I appreciate you weighing in. 🙂

  3. amy says

    What’s not to love here? I think if my 10yo could get away with it, he might consider wearing this.

  4. anna says

    amazing. totally cool. if the boy in question is up for it, then i think that’s decided 😉

    people should wear what they love whether or not anyone else loves it too. i’m less brave now but as a teenager i wore some Crazy stuff and i’m so glad i did. man, the flourescent legging flares were something special 😀

  5. Tracey Carsto says

    I think it’s cool. He’s 5, if he likes it then keep the cape. 🙂

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