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Dance Like No One’s Watching…

…but OMG!!!  Puh-lease tell me you’ll be watching, too! Tonight, the Oxygen channel is broadcasting a brand new program called Dance Your Ass Off at 10 eastern/9 pacific. I am looking forward to this in the worst way*. It’s like The Biggest Loser meets So You Think You Can Dance — two great tastes that taste great together. I am PUMPED about this! I need to buy a bag of Oreos and a fountain Mountain Dew (’cause you know it’s better than the bottle!) to really enjoy this properly.

Meet me back here tomorrow and let’s discuss!

*Yes…I am aware I need to get out more, but instead I blog. And you’re reading it, so that makes you an enabler. Look it up.

Posted in Uncategorized.

2 Responses

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  1. Kim says

    Oh, yes ma’m, this is right up there with ” Cheaters”, “Bridezilla’s” and anything with the Kardashians. Just when you thought it couldn’t get ANY worse!!!!!!

  2. jodi says

    As you’ll see in the post above, I’m pretty sure that NO, it cannot get any worse.

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