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Friday Funny — Must Be Something in the Water!

Oof! Is it me, or did this week seem to last FOREVER! Thank goodness the weekend is finally here, and we can all kick back and relax…maybe go for a hike or a bike ride. I know! Why not take the whole family roller skating?

“But my kids are just babies, Jodi,” you whine. “They can’t roller skate yet!”

I feel you. My youngest son, Will trips over lint, but obviously it’s simply due to the inferior water at our house. I’ve bought a case of Evian and I fully expect to witness something like what you see below before next Friday. Tom has watched this video approximately 8 billion times (believe me, it felt like more), and he still thinks it’s the most amazing thing ever. Or maybe he’s just a straight up gangsta and likes the soundtrack. He does do a lot of head bobbing. You be the judge.

YouTube – Evian Roller Skating Babies.

Posted in Kids, Uncategorized.

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  1. Tamara says

    It was just you…LOL…my week flew by! And so is my weekend…UGH! This was pretty cute. Liked the Asian re-pre-sen-een!!! Yeah, Yeah, Dawg!

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