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Vampire Love

Apparently, psychologists have determined why I spend my Sunday nights watching HBO’s Trueblood. Hmm…and here I thought it was because Vampire Bill is HAAWWT!!


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4 Responses

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  1. Alonna says

    I love Bill 😀

  2. jodi says

    I’m seeing a strong contingent growing for Eric, though! I think if you read the books, he may move to the forefront in the toe-curl factor. I’ve GOT to get those books! 🙂

  3. Margaret says

    I’m so glad my husband and I are not the only crazies that watch this show! I love it! I’m so glad LaFayette is back I think he is my favorite, they have got to give him more air time!

  4. jodi says

    So with you Margaret! You know in the books, Lafayette IS the one that is found dead in the car. So the television series is an entirely different experience. I’m thinking I’m going to have to give the books a try soon.

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