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Cheap Wine Pick: Cruz de Piedra Garnacha 2006

FYI: this post was written a few nights ago. Even I try to avoid mommy juice at breakfast. 🙂

Tonight, my mommy juice comes to you from sunny Spain. I picked it from our wine fridge (population 12) based on the hot pink neck label. I’m feeling in a hot pink mood tonight after dealing with an overabundance of testosterone since 4:15 this morning. I had no idea what this wine might taste like, as it was a gift from a friend. Answer: Delicioso!

Naturally, I wanted to know if I’d ever be able to afford another bottle and began googling away. According to this guy, it can be had for under $10 a bottle. Billed as a “working class” red (insert your favorite Bruce Springsteen tune here) and recommended for pairing with grilled burgers or red sauces, I can attest that this makes a mighty fine “sippin’ wine.”

And frankly, I prefer my wine on an empty stomach. It makes mommy happy again a lot faster.

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4 Responses

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  1. Bells says

    ha ha Jodi made a drunk post!

  2. jodi says

    It’s almost as bad as drunk dialing!!!

  3. Kristin Hodges says

    thanks for the laugh AND wine tips!!! both make for a happy Mommy!

  4. Tamara says

    WHAT??? I’m not your only drunk dial??? I’m CRUSHED…good thing I’ve got a good wine recommendation to drown my sorrows in!!!!

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