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Fashion Designers Say…

Welcome to Fugly Fall! Touted as 1) The Slouch Trend, 2) Party Fashion and 3) The Russian Trend, this is just a taste of what we have to look forward to for our fall fashion choices. All the worst of the 80s. Thanks guys!

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4 Responses

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  1. alonna says

    Crap. and I hate the new plaid crap. I’ve already done the shoulder pad thing once and I’m not going back.

  2. Malibu Wedding Planner says

    It will be interesting to see what the toned down versions that hit the department stores will be like. Hopefully more flattering to the common figures.

  3. jodi says

    I agree Malibu. Sometimes the weirdest stuff trickles down in surprisingly pleasing ways. But PLEASE don’t say I’ll have to wear shoulder pads again!!

  4. Tamara says

    One word…HORRIBLE!!!

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