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Lessons From the Back Seat

I lubloo. I lubloo. You are… This is great.

I lubloo. I lubloo. You are… This is great.

Sam is singing yet another mangled medly from Barney’s Greatest Hits, his head keeping time like little brunette metronome. He looks so perfectly happy while he’s singing that we often find ourselves joining right in with him. We’re not sure what “you are” exactly but we feel confident that it’s pretty great. The I lubloo song is often paired with a somewhat dyslexic version of the ABCs, leaving Sam’s audience confused but thoroughly entertained. Today, he’s switching it up a bit and has opted to end his routine with a countdown of sorts.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Nine. Twelve. Fourteen. One. Two. Three. Four. Nine. BLASTOFF!!

And we’re off!! More than willing to follow Sam’s lead. Take a lesson from a wise little boy as you head into your work week folks: It’s not about perfection; it’s about enthusiasm.

Happy Monday!!

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