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I love the fact that someone else out there wondered why 80s videos never had anything to do with the song. Finally, someone’s fixed that problem.

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4 Responses

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  1. alonna says

    Funniest thing I have seen in a quite sometime! The part that goes a guy with wings just felt me up was Hillarious!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Paige says

    Where do you find this stuff, Jodi?? Oh my, how funny!

  3. jodi says

    I scour the internet, so busy folks like you don’t have to, Paige! It varies, but I ripped this one straight from Nathan Brown’s FB page. 🙂

  4. jodi says

    So glad you enjoyed it as much as me, Alonna! And thanks for being such a faithful commenter when you like something. So encouraging! 🙂

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