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So Not Right

I just drank sour milk. I’m not talking it-expired-today-so-I’m-gonna-be-cautious-and-toss-it sour milk. I’m saying I drank full-bore, high octane, expired two weeks ago sour milk. It was an unopened jug that got stuck in the back of the fridge, so technically it could have been worse. I mean, I didn’t notice any chunks, so at least I’ve got that going for me.

I ate cookies and drank a Diet Pepsi in hopes of counteracting the cooties, but I don’t really feel like it worked. If only I had Fountain Mountain Dew I could be laughing about this whole thing right now. Instead I’m pretty convinced it’s eating through my stomach lining while I type. Here’s hoping this isn’t my last post.

Posted in Uncategorized.

3 Responses

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  1. Lisa Hendrix says

    Think of it as keifer. You’ll sleep better.

  2. Bells says

    i think i may barf on your behalf.

  3. jodi says

    Lisa — Had to look it up. Sounds about right on texture, but thinking about it in any way at all is counterproductive. 🙂

    Bells — You are a true friend to show such solidarity. But, please try and hold it in. 😉

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