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When did you tell me that?

One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed since having children is my overall lack of brainpower. My memory in particular has suffered a tremendous hit — as evidenced by my forgetting to attend a birthday party this weekend that the kids had been looking forward to all week. That’s why I was particularly interested in these memory boosting tricks. Some were sort of familiar, but others I’d never heard from any other source. Believe it or not, I got this from a Tweet by Alyssa Milano. Thanks, Samantha!

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3 Responses

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  1. alonna says

    If you have to post a note on your dad’s head that says Dad to remember who he is, you may need more help than some blueberries! LMAO!

  2. jodi says

    LOL! I totally missed that, Alonna. I need something to help me pay attention first, THEN remember it later.

  3. Paige says

    I need to try some of those tricks…some days I think I have the brain cells of an 80-year-old!

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