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Is utterly fabulous and never fails to surprise me. Come on! Surely, I wasn’t the only one who thought Kurt’s dad was going to react in the stereotypical way when his son came out to him! It was such a touching moment when his dad told him he’d known since Kurt was three years old.  I misted up. Then there’s the deliciously evil wife plot intermingled with the shockingly bad actions of the cheerleader/girlfriend. Stir that all together in a great big pot, and I just can’t WAIT until next week to get another helping. Glee is one of a kind. An original and a delight.

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2 Responses

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  1. Kimmy says

    How many times, missy, are you sitting there, wistful, wishing that the Walker Co./ rural Jeff Co high schools had money/interest/guidance do have had glee club.? I know the answer to that one. Many. You could have been the FIRST Hannah Montanta! But alas, your fabulous talent had to wait for years, maturing ( he,he) growing, until you could find just the right outlet. Alright, now how many of you want to go see Fame with me???!!!!! I’m gonna live forever……….

  2. Josie says

    Started applauding during the football game… from the dance to the kick. Strangely attracted to the Mohawk guy. And Finn. And Will. Most of all, Will.

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