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Life of Pi

I’m working on a book post. Because A) I love them and B) I’ve had several requests lately for good book suggestions. That’s still in progress, so look for it in the next week. But until then, has anyone read Life of Pi? If not, I highly recommend picking it up. I loved it and it’s one of those books that you continue to think about long after you’ve finished. Which brings me to the real reason for this post…

…If you’ve read Life of Pi and understand the part toward the end with the mysterious island (I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone who hasn’t read it), could you please leave a comment or message me directly at and explain to me what the @#$% was going on there? I read this book at least 2 years ago and the island bit has been bugging me ever since.

Thanks for helping a sister out! The next round’s on me! 🙂

Posted in Books.

3 Responses

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  1. Ashley Stewart says

    I read Life of Pi while Mel and I were in Jamaica. I thought it was pretty good–fantastical, but thought provoking. I thought at the time that there was much more to it than I was willing to think about right then.

    I have two for you to read…The Well and the Mine by Gin Phillips (actually a friend of mine from college, but the book is beautiful. It was strange knowing the author) and The Help ( I forgot theauthor’s name).

  2. jodi says

    Ashley…LOVED The Well and the Mine! Funny you should mention it, because I just recommended it to a friend. I’m incredibly jealous of Gin Phillips, and if you talk to her, feel free to tell her so. 🙂

  3. Monkey says

    It’s much easier to urndetsand when you put it that way!

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