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My Little Boys are Three Years Old!!!

And now I’m all nostalgic, so get ready for a week chock full of pictures. We’ll start with one of me about a month before giving birth. I hadn’t gotten completely miserable yet, and wanted to be sure we got photographic evidence of me carrying three little boys in my belly.

Jodi at 32 Weeks

Then one of me with the trips a few days AFTER giving birth. Jason’s best friend, Phil, said I looked like an unwed teen mother. I think I took it as a complement at the time.

Jodi Rocking the Trips

And here’s Jack right after his little brothers came home. He was getting ready to go out with Maw Maw and Paw Paw for an outing, and his Paw Paw dressed him. I LOVE this one.


And finally one of the boys on their first day home. Left to right is Sam, Will and Tom. As usual, Tom is smiling. There was such a warm glow in the sitting room off our master bedroom. I kept tiptoeing close just to be sure they were really there. It hadn’t dawned on me that this was my new reality yet, and there was almost a surreal feeling as I looked down on these three tiny creatures and wondered how anyone could be expected to take care of that many babies at once.

Three peas in a pod

And finally, one more of them in bed together so you can see just how much their teddy bears dwarfed them.

In Bed with Teddies

I can’t tell you how great this day has been. Their party went well and they were so appreciative of their gifts. But what they seemed to enjoy most was getting to run and play outside (thank goodness for a break in the rain) and having the opportunity to love and hug sweet relatives and friends that they don’t get to see often enough.

Also, if you see my mother-in-law, Linda, anywhere about town, be sure to stop her and tell her how great she is. I wouldn’t have made it through either of my pregnancies without her by my side. And I continue to lean on her so heavily, it’s a wonder she can stand upright.

Much love!


Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids, Parenting, Uncategorized.

8 Responses

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  1. Jill says

    What beautiful babies you have! I especially love the picture of the babies in the crib with the bears! I am a mother of 7 yr old triplets, 2 boys and 1 girl. They are turning 8 next month, and each year I go back through old pictures in amazement at how much they have grown, and how far we have come!

  2. Bells says

    oh this is fantastic. Hubby and I have just sat and read this together because it’s just so lovely. What a marvellous brood you have and I love seeing those two photos of you with them in and then out of you. Amazing. Congrats on four wonderful little beings and esp to the triplets for being 3. Lovely!

  3. Adam says

    Hello my friends! if ya ever need a photographer let me know..line your walls with dramatic B&W portraits of the young ones..hope you guys are well. have a great!! day!

    Adam Kimbrell

  4. jodi says

    Thanks, Bells! I used to be reluctant about posting photos where I looked less than my best, but finally realized if the kids are in the picture, no one’s noticing my unwashed hair or lack of lipstick. They make for awesome camouflage. I think I have another one somewhere that was even later in the pregnancy. It’s almost cartoonish, and I’ll try to post it soon.

  5. alonna says

    Love the picture of you pregnant, how great that is to be carrying 3 boys there 🙂 I like to look back at my pictures of that time. The best one is of me eating fried chicken 2 weeks before delivery. In a bright red shirt and stretchy skirt. I look like I am going to pop. But that was the best chicken I have still ever eaten!!

  6. jodi says

    Alonna, that cracks me up! Nothing tastes as good now as it did preggers. I remember trying to get extra calories in with Slim Fast shakes blended with chocolate ice cream…now that I think about it, that sounds pretty good right now! 😉

  7. jill says

    i ate huge bowls of macaroni and cheese…and if you ever need a few extra lbs jimmy dean sausage biscuits from the freezer will give you just a few extra calories. such sweet pictures..can you believe they were that small or that our bellies were that big? ha ha

  8. jodi says

    Jill — I feel sick just thinking about it! And honestly, if I didn’t have pictures, I wouldn’t remember HALF of this last three years. I wonder if I’ll get any saner as they get older?

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