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Vantage Travel Warning

Yesterday, we got a post-card addressed to the elderly former owner of our home. It was an advertisement from a company called Vantage Deluxe World Travel. On the front was a gorgeous photograph of an ancient castle overlooking a sapphire blue river. It made me long to go there. So just for grins, I went on the internet and googled their name. All fantasies promptly ended when I read this. If you know any seniors who love to travel, please make them aware of this company’s reputation. Apparently, seniors are their favorite victims.

This has been a public service announcement from The Drunch. Don’t worry, mindless nonsense will soon follow.

Posted in Uncategorized.

3 Responses

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  1. alonna says

    Good Grief, what another way to prey on the elderly. I get SICK of people calling my hearing impared grandmother on Sunday to get her to extend warranties and make contributions, it’s ridiculous. Just because you are over 65 does not mean your are ignorant or lazy. This company sure thinks so though.

  2. jodi says

    I completely agree. It’s a shame companies like this get to stay in business.

  3. Tamara says

    I’m always so leery about those postcards, but I’m sure a lot of the elderly have no idea not to be! So sad!

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