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Almost Famous

This week, I’m proud to announce that I’m on tour! Virtual tour, that is. Three awesome mommy bloggers voluntarily sharing my work with their readers. I’m not even having to pay them! Can you believe it? Check out some of my favorite posts at:

All these women are fantastic writers and I’m pleased to be in such good company. Be sure to click through to see what’s up from The Drunch today, then take some time to get to know these super cool bloggers and maybe make a new friend. Peace, Love and Blogging, y’all!!!

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2 Responses

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  1. bells says

    you know you’ve made it when you do guest posts (or when you have Guest Posters on your own blog!) he he

  2. Tamara says

    That’s awesome. I’ve gone to Angie’s blog and read the one she posted for you…I don’t know how I missed that one, but it was very touching! Love you!

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