Meet this week’s guest poster, Robin O’Bryant. Robin is a stay-at-home-mom and freelance writer. Her kids keep her laughing and/or gagging every day. She started her blog, Robin’s Chicks, to document their lives together and as a way to make other moms laugh and realize it REALLY is funny, when it’s happening to someone other than YOU! Read one of her favorite posts below, then pop over to her blog and give her some love. Enjoy!
Effin Eggs
Zeb had to work on Saturday a few weeks back. Because he is the most awesome husband alive (or possibly because he feared for his safety and the safety of his children), he stayed home until around 8:30 so I could sleep late. (Yes, people without children. 8:30 is late.)
I get up, get my coffee, check the email, update the FaceBook status…all of the important things you do first thing in the morning. My four year old, Aubrey, comes over and asks me if I’ll make her pancakes. I told her I would be glad to as soon as I finished up on the computer.
She said, “But Momma, there’s only one effin egg….”
I’m still not really awake. (In case you don’t know me, I prefer not to speak OR be spoken to until about 11:30am, but I have 3 kids under 4, so rarely do I get my way.) I wasn’t sure I heard her correctly….
“WHAT did you say?” I asked her.
“THERE is only ONE EFFIN EGG!, ” she is definitely screaming at me now.
This can not be. Where would she have heard such language?
“Aubrey, what did you say?”
Shaking both of her fists in the air, she screamed at the top of her lungs, “DADDY WAS GOING TO MAKE PANCAKES THIS MORNING, BUT THERE WAS ONLY ONE EFFIN EGG!”
Nice. I called Zeb and asked “Was there only one effin egg?” His deep philosophical response…”oops.” Lovely.
*Disclaimer- She did say “effin” and not the actual “f-bomb”, it’s my silver lining.
About 2 days later Aubrey walks in the kitchen while I’m washing dishes and looks me square in the eye and says “skid mark,” My turn to scream…..ZEB!
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