Swished and swiped 4 toilets, taking care to find all the dried puddles where someone mis-fired while going potty. Judging by the wall, apparently someone is consistently pulling left.
Did the breakfast dishes. Cleaned the glass table — again. Why are their sticky fingerprints above AND below? Ditto for the blob of jelly I cleaned off the underside of the chair.
Laundry. Laundry. Laundry. Nudist colonies were formed by mothers who were sick and tired of picking up, washing, folding, pressing, hanging, etc., etc.
Picked up the toys, the cars, the Little People, the Bakugans, the swords. How can they tear out so much stuff before school?
Swept the floors, made the beds, dusted the furniture.
In short, completely blew a whole morning. Don’t know what I was thinking. Am going to spend my last 15 minutes aimlessly surfing the internet or knitting. Now THAT’s time well spent.
A glass table? With so many little sticky hands in your life? Crazy!
You should knit.
Hahaha I love you.
Nudist colonies were formed by mothers who were sick and tired of picking up, washing, folding, pressing, hanging, etc., etc. That sentence alone is a perfect opening to a book! LOL.