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What I’m Doing Right Now

Say hello to what Jason insists on referring to as occupational therapy. He’s not far off. It was either this or Prozac. And now that I’ve spent more time picking out stitches and puzzling through mistakes than I’ve spent knitting, I’m wondering if the Prozac shouldn’t have been first choice after all.

Actually, I decided to pick up knitting after admiring my friend Helen’s amazing handiwork (go visit her over at Bellsknits and be sure to tell her Jodi sent you). She’s world’s apart from me — both in talent and geography. But she is such a sweetheart and so enthusiastic over her craft that I just couldn’t resist joining the fun. I broke a cardinal rule she gave me (no yarn that looks like a muppet), but I really think this is going to turn out to be a gorgeous shawl. Helen agrees and said that if a muppet had to die for my knitwear, at least it was one of “quality and beauty.” I can’t wait to show off the finished result. At my current rate, that should be sometime in 2011. But you never know! All the more reason to check in on The Drunch daily just to see if I surprise you.

Have you ever been inspired to try something totally outside your comfort zone? What or Who spurred you to give it a shot? The Drunch table is open for discussion. Now…talk amongst yourselves.

The Muppet Shawl

Posted in Uncategorized.

3 Responses

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  1. Bells says

    i’m a long way away but maybe you can hear me cheering??? Keep up the good work!

  2. Peyton says

    Your knitting cracks me up! I wish I could even begin to do that much. Reminds me of the time Natalie was knitting a scarf and picked out this lovely hunter green, khaki and navy yarn. Too bad the pattern looked like camo when she finished! She tried to pawn it off on me for my brother Wade back when he was in the army. I also have one from Stacey that is varying widths and hangs down to my ankles… I just loop it around anyway! Ha!

  3. jodi says

    Peyton…I am laughing out loud just picturing Natalie and the camo scarf. But surely your brother would have been then envy of his unit, right? Mine is turning into the world’s most expensive project because I keep running out of yarn and having to go back. To justify the expense, I’m going to have to wear it every day and possibly even sleep in it. And the further I get, the more concerned I become that I’m going to look like a yeti. Gotta love handmade projects! 🙂

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