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You know you live in the South when…

your oldest child goes for a playdate with his buddy and they immediately begin to reenact the “Silver” War — apparently it’s a lot like the Civil War but with nerf guns and WWII helmets. My blue state readers are probably considering calling my local Child Welfare office, but I assure you, this is perfectly normal for southern children. Well…at least not TOO far outside the ordinary.

Silver War Soldiers

Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids.

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3 Responses

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  1. B says

    Too cute! We need one of those helmets for Halloween…. where’d you find yours or if you’re not using it, can Max borrow one?? I can tell they are at Kimmy’s, so if you’re reading this too, can I borrow from you??

  2. bells says

    The silver war? Oh that’s priceless. And precious!

  3. carli hendon says

    hahaha this is great.

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