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Almost Famous

One of my virtual friends (meaning we’ve never actually met, but I’m convinced I adore her in every way) was recently tapped for an interview — Bells of Bellsknits. I would be thrilled in case anyone out there is interested in interviewing a seriously addled mother of four. I don’t have much to offer — aside from a really rockin’ recipe for a Low Calorie Mojito — but I do try to make up for it in enthusiasm. But I digress…

Back to Bells…she was one of the first non-family members to notice my early attempts at blogging. She’s also a GREAT resource if you’re interested in starting a blog yourself and want to see how to do it right. Her content is always interesting — whether it’s original writing or photos. But be careful if you’re not a knitter, she might inspire you to try something new.

Congratulations, Bells! Just the first of many good things to come, I’m sure.

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3 Responses

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  1. Bells says

    hey thanks Jodi. It was fun! And yes, I was reading you way back when! The boys were so little then. How time flies!

  2. Bells says

    also the link is broken. It’s here

  3. jodi says

    My attention to detail is mind-boggling isn’t it?

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