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Only Child

Yesterday, Will was the chosen one to go furniture shopping with his grandmother and me. It was really Tom’s turn, but he wasn’t feeling quite up to speed after their recent bout with a stomach virus and went on a crying jag shortly before it was time to leave.

“Tommy, boys who cry and pitch a fit can’t go for a ride in Maw Maw’s car,” Linda cajoled, hoping to help Tommy pull himself out of the doldrums. “You have to be a good boy to get to go on a trip.”

“I’m happy today!” Will assured her. “See? I’m smiling. I’m happy.” Will eagerly displayed his impressive set of choppers. And in the end, when Tommy had to settle for an early nap alongside a still slightly green Sam, Will’s lobbying paid off.

“Only me?” he clarified as I put on his jacket.

“Yes, baby,” I assured him. “Only you get to go on this trip.”

With each step down the sidewalk toward his Maw Maw’s car, he chanted, “On-ly. Me! Not Jack. Not Tom. Not Sam. On-ly me. Me. Me. Me.”

It was quite the adventure. We shopped for furniture where he climbed inside a china cabinet and hid. We shopped for appliances where he found a footed bathtub, climbed inside, and pretended to take a shower. We went to the lunch counter at a local drugstore where he ate crinkle cut fries, a corn dog and over half a vanilla milkshake. He even got a stuffed kitten to commemorate the day. Black Kitty has not left his side since.

Don’t worry, Tom will get another shot in the next few days. Which means I have to drink another milkshake. The sacrifices I make more my children!

Posted in Uncategorized.

2 Responses

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  1. B says

    How sweet!! Sounds to me like you may get 4 milkshakes out of the deal! Are you looking for furniture/appliances for your house, or Linda’s?? We’ll have to swap notes. Now was Sam green with envy or green with the tummy bug?? Are you still down and out for on Tuesday, or are you in?? Email me. :+) B

  2. Mib says

    I continue to LOVE your blog! Every damn post (oops, did I write that out loud?)! Are you living inside my head? I had an Only Child night tonight with my little guy tonight too. Keep me laughing and feeling less alone. 😉 – Mib

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