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Cock-eyed Carols a la Sam

Overheard…Sam singing to himself loudly and off-key:

OH! Better watch out! Santa Claus is coming (he takes a deep breath for the finale, then screams)…TWO TIMES!!

At which point Jason turns to me and says, “Wow! Good for Santa!”


Sometimes I think I’m living some sort of weird dream, but no matter how hard I pinch myself, I just never seem to wake up.

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5 Responses

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  1. Jen says

    Oh, thank you for that laugh!

  2. Josie says

    That made me laugh so hard. I love your crazy family.

  3. Bells says

    i so didn’t see that coming!

  4. jodi says

    That would make two of us Bells. 😉

  5. Tamara says

    Only Jason!!! Ok, and maybe me and Phil…HA! Sam must have gotten his talent for knowing the lyrics from his Aunt Tamara. “Everytime I cook a hound”…I’m just saying!

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