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Easy Homemade Pasta Sauce

I’m always looking for easy recipes. And by easy, I mean something with minimal ingredients requiring minimal prep and virtually no thought or effort. Basically, stuff that a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragger such as me can accomplish. This recipe from Smitten Kitchen totally fits the bill. And I think the boys would really like the funky pasta. Although, how sad is it that they have NO CLUE that it looks just like a telephone cord? Kids today…


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3 Responses

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  1. Nicole Williamson says

    Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to try it out next week sometime.

  2. Bells says

    oh that’s been my standard since university days. Pure, unadulterated pasta pleasure. I always feel something is wrong if I don’t have at least one tin of tomatoes to hand for this. And it makes a great base for additional ingredients!

  3. Tamara says

    I’m thinking you could just use Ramen noodles…haha!

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