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Will: Sam! You not touch my stuff! You understand me?

Sam (crossing arms and poking out his lips): I not talkin’ to you!

Will: No, I not talkin’ to YOU!:

Sam (screaming now): I. Not. Talkin’. To. YOU!!

Somehow, I thought all those Y chromosomes meant we wouldn’t have exchanges like this.

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2 Responses

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  1. Bells says

    ha ha ha ha. That’s priceless. All boys can be melodramatic, I reckon! All that’s missing from that scene is the flounce!

  2. Jona Vinson says

    “I not talking to you!”, is rampantly stated in our class whom originated by “Will”. We are just amazed how quick they can catch up the rest of the class were all saying it. :):)

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