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Not to rub it in but…

…60 degrees and sunny today, 65 tomorrow and 70 on Monday. I love the South.


Posted in Kids, Uncategorized.

4 Responses

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  1. amy says

    It was in the low 50s here today, and we were all outside without coats. It was blessedly springlike, the sort of day that keeps you hanging in for True Spring even though you know it quite possibly could blizzard next week. (No lie: One year we got over a foot of snow on April 1. It was soul crushing.)

    Very sweet post on your mom, too. Happy Birthday to her!!

  2. B says

    LOVE this picture!!!!!!

  3. Tamara says

    Is the “Not to rub it in, but…” the same as “Bless her heart, but…”, because I’m feeling like they are similar! Ok, my turn, my turn…Not to rub it in, but…it is 38 here (feels like 28 with winds of 11-18 mph) and cloudy! Top that, Biotch! 🙂

  4. jodi says

    Bwahaha! I don’t think there IS any topping that, Tamara. You win! This is why you won’t see me until late May. And remember, no inversion while I’m there!!!

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