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A Dog’s Life

This is Gus.


Gus likes to roll in stinky things. Usually, I make Jason take care of it. But today I was feeling especially capable, the boys were being really good, and so I felt I could duck outside long enough to clean Gus up myself.

So hose on, dog at the ready, audience of 4 small boys with noses pressed to the screen…no dog shampoo. I ducked back inside and rummaged around for a substitute.

Dish washing liquid? Too harsh.

Baby Shampoo? Hmmm…perhaps a little too gentle. We’re talking industrial strength stink here.

I dig a little deeper into the cabinet. What’s left…waaayy back in the back? Head and Shoulder’s Dandruff Shampoo.

So now Gus not only smells clean, but also can rest easy knowing he won’t be embarrassed the next time he wears that sleek black turtleneck.

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  1. Susan L says

    You go Gus! LOL

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