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Eating Clean — Raw Berry Crumble

So we’re trying to eat healthier at our house. We’re hoping to teach the boys better eating habits so they can hopefully override a lot of negative genetic traits (heart disease, cancer) with a healthy lifestyle filled with good, natural food and daily exercise.

Here was our first attempt (photo courtesy of Whole Foods website as I haven’t had time for an upload):

Fresh. Healthy. Delicious!

Fresh. Healthy. Delicious!

Click the picture for a quick link to the recipe and you’ll find that the ingredients list couldn’t be fresher or easier. The crumble portion is simply pecans, walnuts, dates and cinnamon, but it is the best tasting thing I’ve had in ages.

It got mixed reviews from the kids as at least half our little posse won’t try anything they haven’t seen at least 10 times before, but Jason and I had to remind ourselves that we couldn’t eat the entire dish and still call it “healthy.”

If it’s summer in your neck of the woods, run — do not walk — to your nearest farmer’s market and load up on fresh strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Then serve this up for your bunch tonight.

FYI, it’s just as fabulous for breakfast the next day over some nice organic vanilla yogurt. Heaven! Who knew eating healthy could actually be a pleasure?

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  1. Bells says

    this is right up my alley – berries and nuts, you can’t go wrong. I miss fresh berries in winter and I’m sure as hell not paying $12 a punnet for imported ones!

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