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I finally found what my LB Cotton Bamboo wanted to be. After trying not one, not two, but THREE different patterns and spending the entire time cursing the splitty nature of most all cotton/bamboo yarns, I finally hit on the perfect pairing. It’s the Creature Comforts Cardigan by Madelinetosh and will eventually look something like this (I hope):

Creature Comfort by Madelinetosh

Creature Comfort by Madelinetosh

It’s knit flat, blocked, then seamed to make a shrug, with ribbed sleeves added afterward. Here’s mine in progress:

Photo on 2010-07-26 at 09.27

It’s so strange, but the yarn has been 100% cooperative since I started this project. Same needles, same knitter — the only difference is the pattern. Who knew yarn could prevent you from knitting it into the wrong thing? Just a few thousand more knits and purls, and it will be ready for mom’s Christmas present. I hope I’ve given myself enough time to finish it!

Posted in Knits & Knots.

2 Responses

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  1. Bells says

    OMG my first thought on opening this page was to think ‘she’s made WHAT?’ Like it just appeared magically over night off your needles.

    It’s gorgeous and yours will be too!

  2. Josie says

    That is GORGEOUS. I love it!

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