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A Round of Words in 80 Days

My friend Natalie just turned me on to this alternative to NaNoWriMo (in which I participated last year, and ultimately face planted during).

A Round of Words is more is more manageable than NaNoWriMo for one very big reason: where NaNo encourages you to ignore your “real” life for a month, ROW recognizes that for some of us that would mean a visit from Child Protective Services. Also, with ROW, you set your own goals. Something that matches where you are at the time. So I’m stating out loud and in public, that my goal for the next 78 days (yes, I’m tardy to the party. SURPRISE!) is to write 500 words per day and not skip more than 2 days in a row. A bit of a stretch from the big fat NOTHING I’ve been writing, but still a lot more manageable than a full sized book — especially for a mom of 4.

So there, world at large, now you know. Who’s with me on this one?

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