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I just realized I’m so boring that I’m posting about getting stains out of my kids’ clothes. Next we’ll discuss something exciting like the best treatments for dry, cracked heels and elbows (oh, wait…there was already this post on that).

Excuse me while I go take up sky diving or lion taming in order to justify having a blog.

Posted in Uncategorized.

6 Responses

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  1. Jennifer says

    The saving grace, if it needed on since it is your blog, is that you were talking about getting a horrible stain out of a HAND KNIT item of clothing!! 🙂

  2. B says

    I’ll read ANYTHING you write about. You even make stain fighting funny!!

  3. anna says

    hello jodi,
    i’m afraid i can’t remember how i came by your blog a month or so ago, but i do so enjoy your posts! you write so well, and help us all to see the lighter side of Life and Motherhood, (i have an almost-2-year old boy who i love to bits, but the whole palaver drives me nuts sometimes!). so i just wanted to say thanks 🙂 you make me smile! also, as a fellow knitter, i’m SO glad for you that the stain came out too!

  4. jodi says

    Awww…You guys made me get a bit teary. Thanks so much for such kind feedback. Maybe I don’t have to eat that pint of ice cream to make this day bearable after all. 🙂

  5. Kimmy says

    I SWEAR by heeltastic for the peds. Took 40 years off my feet. ( Yes, they looked 81. and half dead.) You might get a complimentary gift just ’cause we’re buds.

  6. Tamara says

    If your life is boring, then mine must already be on life support with the plug hanging halfway out of the wall!!!

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