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Deja Vu?

I can’t help it. Despite her almost pathologic need to say whatever pops into her head, I like Katherine Heigl and her movies (C’mon…you seriously didn’t enjoy the Benny and the Jets portion of 27 Dresses? And Knocked Up was hilarious — even though the sister and brother-in-law were my favorites.). So it’s only natural that I’ve been looking forward to her soon to be released The Ugly Truth which pairs her with the always lovely-to-look-at Gerard Butler. But after viewing this clip, I’m sort of on the fence. You be the judge. Check out the clip below and tell me if it strikes you as being worth the price of a babysitter, movie ticket, jumbo bucket of popcorn, Junior Mints and Diet Coke (if only they had fountain Mountain Dew — that alone would be worth the price of admission).

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  1. John says

    Do you have a link for one of the devices? She was recently sighted in the ATL filming a new movie and word on the street was she was down to earth and Hot! Unsure about value of this film.

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