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Just for John

If you read my buddy John’s comment yesterday, you’ll note that he was really interested in finding a link to the Remote Vibrating Panty featured in yesterday’s clip from The Ugly Truth. Since John is such a loyal reader, it behooved me to watch the clip again, locate a brand name and let my fingers do the googling. Here you go, John! Enjoy!

O.k., I should probably leave it there, but I can’t resist adding that if John’s wife is wearing those, I’d be willing to bet that — at least in his mind — John will be wearing this. Love you, John!

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2 Responses

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  1. John says

    I noticed there was a “new” option on the site for the oh so cute vibrating underwear(I’ve been scolded for using the panty word!). Does this mean there is a used option as well? Egad! Although when I enter “The Dark Side” all else becomes irrelevant.

  2. jodi says

    Ugh! The used panty option is one I’m going to refuse to investigate. You’re on your own there, Dark Lord.

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