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Did I Write That Out Loud?

Christmas is almost here!!! I’m so excited I could pee myself. Then again…I am a woman in my thirties, so really that could happen at any time. Merry Christmas everybody!!

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2 Responses

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  1. Kate says

    I surfed over here from Bells, and am laughing my way down your 10 latest posts – as a Mum of three, I am SO with you on this one!!
    (PS you look fine in the photo above – and I don’t think your son needs to use the past tense :> )

  2. jodi says

    Thank you for the kind words, Kate. How is that kids always know exactly where to stick the knife…and do it with an angelic smile? And I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one in a slow but steady state of decline. Solidarity makes it more bearable right? 😉

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