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Organized Labor – Part Deux

Since the can organizer was such a rousing success, I decided to head on over to the dark side — a.k.a. my closet. Things had been going fairly well in the clutter department since my aching back has put a serious kink in my shoe fetish. No more high heels, flats only forever it seems. But then I met Chrissie Larkin — or as I like to call her, my dealer. She’s got me hooked bad and even the first hit wasn’t free. I’ve forbidden her to tell me how much I’ve spent on jewelry in the last two months, but if you check out her site, I think you’ll understand.  So I invested in an oh-so-very-cute jewelry organizer and went to town on my shelves. The end result has had a marvelously calming influence on me. If I kept everything clean ALL the time, I might become dangerously close to stable. Good thing there’s no risk of that, huh?

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  1. Brynell says

    If you’re looking to buy these aritlces make it way easier.

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