I realize the New Year isn’t quite here yet, but I’ve been stricken with the urge to throw out old things to make room for new and reorganize everything that’s left for maximum efficiency. I decided to start with the pantry — 1) because it’s a mess and 2) my closet is way to scary to attempt to conquer it alone.
I bought a new can organizer today and couldn’t wait to set it up. –Hold on– Did I just say I couldn’t wait to set up my CAN ORGANIZER??? Yup…I just reread it and it is every bit as lame as I thought.
Anyhow, so I’m setting up my nerdy can organizer when I run into a hitch. Why is nothing as easy as it should be? Granted…the can rack itself was a breeze to put together. Unfortunately, it’s three tiered height required the removal of one of my pantry shelves. This meant emptying out two entire shelves so there was enough room to turn the shelf on its side and slide it out.
With that accomplished it was now time to separate the wheat from the chaff. I read all the expiration dates as I went through. We will not discuss how many were expired — or how many expired in 2007. Suffice it to say, there’s definitely more room in the old pantry for more important things. Like the cookbooks I love to look at but rarely use. Now that’s a good use of space.
Incidentally, if you live in Birmingham, AL and cannot find canned corn at your grocery, I’m to blame. Apparently I have no less than 13 cans of unexpired corn in my pantry. Guess what the kids will be eating for dinner tomorrow?
tee hee. It’s lame but funny and worthwhile. Hubby started a spreadsheet for our cans!!!