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The Shallow Post

So it’s a rainy Monday here in kid world, but I’m not here to talk about them this morning…well, maybe just to clarify the following:

Cutting yourself with your safety scissors? Accident.

Slicing your pants to ribbons? NOT an accident.

Spilling your cereal? Accident.

Pouring your juice in the mess to see the colors run? NOT an accident.

Bumping into your brother? Accident.

Biting the #@$% out of him? Again, NOT an accident.

Glad we could clear this up.

No…what I’m really here for this morning is to tell you how absolutely, indisputably, freaking cute I look today. And I know that sounds horrible, but it’s been a long time coming so let me revel in it. Basically, I let up on the whole “no buying clothes that fit, just lose 15 lbs.” rule. And it was kind of like where you ban sugar from your diet then freak out and eat an entire pie.

Last Saturday, I hit Ann Taylor Loft like the Vikings hit northern England. I’m not kidding, there was some serious 9th century pillaging happening. I found pants that fit in a size that doesn’t wound my pride (thank you vanity sizing!). And tons of cute tops that skim over the problem areas without veering into the maternity top look. A much harder trick to pull off than you might think. In fact, I look an awful lot like this right now — only, you know…older and shorter and…well I’m wearing this top, at least.

Also cardigans. I’m in a cardigan phase right now, and they fed the urge admirably. Check out this one with the sparkles. Own it! And am wearing it with the aforementioned top and my new boyfriend crop jeans. Comfy and fabulous. Cannot beat it.

O.k. — so that’s my ME moment. Now I have to go take the boys to pre-school. To any of my local peeps, I’ve got tons of coupons that they gave me for next month’s big sale. As I won’t be able to shop again for the next six months (at least), I’ll happily pass these along so you can enjoy your own Viking moment. Only, don’t light anything on fire. They get really weird about that.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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