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Finding Time

I’ve just spent an exorbitant chunk of my day on the thrilling task of syncing calendars — making sure my laptop, home computer and cell phone all talk to the giant cloud in the sky that keeps them all filled with identical information. I didn’t realize there was a problem until I showed up at 10:30 this morning for a 2:30 p.m. swim lesson. After emergently re-routing us to the local muffin shop (which was a REAL disappointment considering I’d just gone lo-carb this morning), I realized that the time change I’d made on my laptop hadn’t transmitted itself to my cell phone — the device that enables me to maintain a constant head count of four boys at day’s end.

So there was no choice but to park myself in front of the home computer and proceed to trouble shoot. After ages and ages of clicking and checking, cursing and clicking, I finally resolved the problem — or more truthfully, the ghost in the machine just got tired of monkeying around with me and gave up. Bottom line, everything looks to be in order, but how it got there is anybody’s guess.

So now we’re off to our swim lesson…again. And, in truth, there’s still plenty of daylight left. But I can’t help but resent the hour (and then some) burned in the pursuit of technological efficiency. Should we all just go back to paper and pencils?

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  1. amy says

    My husband makes fun of me, but I love my old-school paper & pencils. Grocery list, meal plan, calendar, it’s all written down somewhere. I have three kids, and we don’t miss appointments, we don’t lose homework or permission slips, and stuff gets done. Obviously, if I lose the notebook or calender, I’m screwed, but no less so then when the syncing fails!!

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