This is all I can manage. One foot in front of the other. I just now — this very second — started trying to type and now someone is screaming. This is not unusual. My normal is most people’s “Call 911!!!” I’ve come to accept it.
But since I’m too tired to blog, you should really go check out Joy the Baker. I’m her new biggest fan. You should be, too. I love her and I don’t even have any intention of baking anything. I just like looking at the pictures…and reading the funny things she says. So go do that, and feel free to thank me later.
i feel I’ve been terribly out of touch with you and I plan to remedy that but for now, this is me saying ‘hi!’ and ‘I know you’ve got a great load on your shoulders any day of the week.’
Also, just found Joy the Baker yesterday. LOVE!
Hugs to you, and possibly earmuffs – filter out the squeals of rage but let you hear the important screams of actual pain/terror.
And thank you for Joy the Baker. I am absolutely making the Spinach and Potato Hash for lunch this weekend.